The People Unfooled: Mackenzie King's Secret Life and the Making of an Irreverent Democracy (McGill-Queen's University Press, in progress).
The Manly Modern: Masculinity in the Postwar Years (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,2007).
Refereed Articles
‘‘The ‘Taint of Self’:
Reflections on Ralph Connor, his fans, and the problem of morality in recent
Canadian historiography’ Histoire
Sociale/ Social History Vol XLVI, no 91 (May 2013): 63-90.
“The Importance of Not Being Earnest: Postwar Canadians Rethink
Mackenzie King’s Christian Manhood’ in
Christopher J Greig and Wayne J Martino eds, Canadian Men and Masculinities: Historical and Contemporary
Perspectives (Canadian Scholars’ Press/Women’s Press, 2012), 61-75.
“Harry Ferns, Bernard Ostry
and The Age of Mackenzie King:
Liberal Orthodoxy and its Discontents in the 1950s,’ Labour/Le Travail 66 (Autumn 2010): 107-139.
“After Inclusiveness: The
Future of Canadian History,” in Christopher Dummitt and Michael Dawson eds, Contesting Clio’s Craft: New Directions and
Debates in Canadian History (London: Institute for the Study of the Americas Press, 2009),
“A Crash Course in Manhood:
Traffic Safety and the Dilemma of Modern Manhood,” in Dimitry Anastakis ed, The Sixties: Passion, Politics, Style
(Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008), 71-98.
“Risk on the Rocks:
Modernity, Manhood and Mountaineering in Postwar British Columbia,” BC Studies no 141 (Spring 2004): 3–29.
“Finding a Place for Father:
Selling the Barbecue in Postwar Canada,” Journal
of the Canadian Historical Association vol. 9 (1998): 209–223.
in J M Bumsted and Len Kuffert eds, Interpreting
Canada's Past: A Post-Confederation Reader
(Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004).
in James Opp and John C Walsh eds, Home, Work and Play: Situating Canadian
Social History, 1840-1980 (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2005)
in James Opp and John C Walsh eds, Home, Work and Play: Situating Canadian
Social History, 1840-1980 2nd ed (Toronto: Oxford University
Press, 2010)
Special Refereed
Journal Issues
“Gender and the City” a special issue of the London Journal of Canadian Studies vol 22 (2007).
“Who Abandoned the Empire? A
Reply to C P Champion” The Dorchester
Review 2:2 (Autumn/Winter 2012): 99-100.
“The Art of History,” Canadian Issues/Thémes Canadiens (Fall
2008): 4-6.
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